

lunamark - converts markdown to many formats


lunamark [options] [file..]


Lunamark is a lua library and command-line program for conversion of markdown to other textual formats. Currently HTML, Docbook, ConTeXt, LaTeX, and Groff man are the supported output formats, but it is easy to add new writers or modify existing ones. The markdown parser is written using a PEG grammar and can also be modified by the user.

Lunamark's markdown parser currently supports the following extensions (which can be turned on or off individually):

More extensions will be supported in later versions.

The library is as portable as lua and has very good performance. It is slightly faster than the author's own C library peg-markdown.


--to,-t format
Specify format for output. format can be html, html5, dzslides, docbook, latex, context, or man.
--layout,-l layout
Control whitespace in output. layout can be default (blank lines between block-level elements), compact (avoid unnecessary blank lines), or minimize (avoid all unnecessary space).
--extensions,-X extensions
Use the specified syntax extensions in parsing markdown. extensions is a comma-separated list of extensions, each optionally prefixed by + (enable) or - (disable). See EXTENSIONS, below, for a list of supported extensions. The keyword 'all' may also be used, to set all extensions simultaneously.
--output,-o file
Write output to file.
Add header and footer to the document, so that it is a functional standalone document, not a fragment. Use the default template for the writer, unless --template,-T is used.
--template,-T file
Insert converted text and metadata into a template. See TEMPLATES, below, for template format. Implies --standalone,-s.
--data,-d key=value[,key=value..]
Set metadata fields to be passed to template. Argument is a list of key=value pairs, separated by commas. If keys are repeated, an array value will be formed.
Disable all markdown extensions.
Print version information.
This message


The following extensions are defined, with the default setting given in parentheses. The defaults can be changed locally by defining an environment variable LUNAMARK_EXTENSIONS (see ENVIRONMENT below).

(-) containers

Put sections in containers (div tags for html writer, section tags for html5 or dzslides).

(-) slides

Like containers, but do not allow containers to nest. The container for a section will end before the container for a subsection begins. This is usually what is wanted for HTML5 slide shows (and is selected by default for dzslides).

(-) startnum

Start number of an ordered list is significant. In standard markdown, the starting number is irrelevant. If this extension is selected, the starting number determines the starting number of the list in the output. (The subsequent numbers are ignored, as in standard markdown.)

(-) smart

Smart typography. Straight quotes are turned into curly quotes, -- into en dashes, --- into em dashes, ... into an ellipsis character.

(-) preserve_tabs

Don't expand tabs to spaces. Standard markdown expands all tabs, using a tabstop of 4 spaces. This extension allows tabs to be preserved in literal code contexts.

(-) notes

Footnotes. A footnote marker is like a markdown bracketed reference, but beginning with a circumflex (^). The note itself goes in a separate block, which begins with the marker, followed by a colon and space, and ends with a blank line. The note can contain multiple paragraphs or other block elements, but each block must be indented four spaces. Example:

Here is a note.[^mynote]

[^mynote]: This note has two paragraphs.

    Here is the second one.
(-) definition_lists

Definition lists. A list item consists of a term, on a single line, followed by one or more definitions. Each definition begins with a colon (:), but is otherwise indented four spaces. A definition may contain multiple block elements. The colon need not be flush-left, but may be preceded by one or two spaces. Alternatively, a tilde (~) may be used instead of a colon. Example:

:   a tool for gathering leaves.

    (paragraph two of definition one.)

:   a ruby build system.
(-) lua_metadata

Lua metadata. An HTML comment beginning <!--@ and containing lua variable declarations is treated as metadata. Note that strings are read literally unless they are explicitly marked as markdown using the markdown (or m) function. Lua metadata can occur anywhere in a document. Example:

title = m"My title with *italics*"
abstract = m[[
  This is my abstract.

  * point one
  * point two
author = { "Me", "You" }
(-) pandoc_title_blocks

Pandoc style title blocks at the beginning of a document:

% Title
% Author1; Author2
% Date

content starts here...
(-) require_blank_before_blockquote

Require a blank line between a paragraph and a following blockquote.

(-) require_blank_before_header

Require a blank line between a paragraph and a following header.

(-) hash_enumerators

Allow # instead of a digit for an ordered list enumerator (equivalent to 1).


By default, lunamark will produce a fragment. If the --standalone or --template options are specified, it will insert this fragment into a template, producing a standalone document with appropriate header and footer. --standalone uses the default template built into the writer, while --template specifies a custom template, which is sought first in the working directory, then in templates, and finally in $HOME/lunamark/templates. If no extension is given, the name of the writer will be used as an extension. So, for example, one can put the template letter.html in the $HOME?lunamark/templates directory, and use it anywhere with lunamark --template letter.

The templates are cosmo templates. Conditionals are enabled, so you can use the $if keyword as follows:

$if{ #people == 1 }[[There is only one.]][[There are many.]]

A sepby keyword is also enabled:

$sepby{ people }[[$it]][[ and ]]

will render "Sid" if people == {"Sid"} and "Sid and Nancy" if people == {"Sid","Nancy"}.

The following variables are set by default; others may be set by the reader (if metadata extensions are used) or through the --data option:

the fragment converted from markdown
array of the source files specified on the command line
the current time



acts as a filter, reading markdown from stdin and writing HTML to stdout.

lunamark -Xsmart,definition_lists -t latex

acts as a filter, reading markdown with smart typography and definition list extensions from stdin, and writing LaTeX to stdout.

lunamark -t latex -s -o mybook.tex ch{1,2,3}.txt references.txt

reads ch1.txt, ch2.txt, ch3.txt, and references.txt, concatenates them, and converts the result from markdown to LaTeX, using the default template and saving the result as mybook.tex.

lunamark -Xall --template letter -d cc=Smith,cc="Jim Jones",sign="yes" \
  -t context -o myletter.ctx myletter.txt

produces a ConTeXt file using the template letter.context, and setting the variable cc to {"Smith","Jim Jones"} and sign to "yes". All lunamark etensions are enabled.


The environment variable LUNAMARK_EXTENSIONS can contain a comma-separated list of extensions, optionally prefixed by + or -, that will serve as defaults. These defaults can be overridden using the command-line option --extensions.


Most of lunamark is written by John MacFarlane. Hans Hagen made some major performance improvements to the markdown parser. Khaled Hosny added the original ConTeXt writer.